ORA-12222: TNS:no support is available for the protocol indicated


ORA-12222: TNS:no support is available for the protocol indicated

Cause: The protocol requested in the ADDRESS portion of the connect descriptor identified through the net service name is not available. If the supplied ADDRESS is typographically correct then support for that protocol is not installed.

Action: Install support for the protocol or correct typographical error, as appropriate. Note: if the supplied address was derived from resolving the net service name, check the address in the appropriate file (TNSNAMES.ORA, LISTENER.ORA) or in the directory server.

ORA-12222: TNS:no support is available for the protocol indicated 错误 是当客户端尝试连接数据库时,客户端试图使用某种传输协议,但数据库服务器不支持该协议时所发生的错误。


ORA-12222发生在客户端试图使用不支持协议(如IEEE 802.11)时。产生这种错误的可能原因有:

1. 数据库不支持该特定的协议;

2. 数据库的版本太旧,并不支持该协议;

3. 使用不正确的tnsnames.ora文件而导致的配置错误。




1. 首先,您需要确认数据库服务器是否支持此协议;

2. 如果不支持,则需要采用其他协议替换该协议;

3. 如果确认支持该协议,则查看客户端是否配置正确,确保tnsnames.ora文件中正确配置;

4. 如果客户端没有正确配置,则修改配置文件unix/Linux文件,并重新启动客户端。
