ORA-28015: Account unlock attempted on read-only database but a conflicting account lockout on the primary exists


ORA-28015: Account unlock attempted on read-only database but a conflicting account lockout on the primary exists

Cause: An attempt to unlock an account on a read-only database was prevented, because the account was previously marked as locked on the primary database. All attempts to unlock the account on the read-only database will be prevented as long as the overriding “account locked” condition exists at the primary database.

Action: If this database is part of a Data Guard configuration, perform the account unlock action on the primary database. If this database is read-only, then set the database to read/write and perform the account unlock action.



当在更新数据库文件时,您可能会遇到 ORA-28015 错误。它表示,您正在尝试解锁只读数据库上的账户,但在主数据库上存在着另一个已锁定的账户,因此不能完成解锁。这通常是由于主数据库和只读数据库使用相同的用户ID所引起的。


以下是最常见的导致 ORA-28015 错误的实例:

1. 您在主数据库上创建了账户 A,并将其添加到只读数据库,但尚未解锁此账户。

2. 您登录到只读数据库,尝试解锁账户 A,但该账户在主数据库上仍处于锁定状态,因此 ORA-28015 错误发生。


如果您遇到了 ORA-28015 错误,您可以通过以下步骤解决此问题:

1. 连接到主数据库

2. 使用 ALTER USER 语句以解锁用户账户

3. 连接到只读数据库

4. 重试之前的操作,以尝试在只读数据库上解锁用户账户
