ORA-24813: cannot send or receive an unsupported LOB
Cause: An attempt was made to send a LOB across the network, but either the server does not support the LOB sent by the client, or the client does not support the LOB sent by the server. This error usually occurs when the client and server are running different versions of Oracle.
Action: Use a version of the Oracle that supports the LOB on both the client and the server.
ORA-24813: 无法发送或接收不受支持的LOB
ORA-24813 的一个常见原因是,用户在访问LOB字段时尝试处理超出限制的大小。 链接只支持最多32K,而复制支持的上限则为100K。
1. 检查LOB字段的大小,以确保它们不会超出支持的限制。
2. 修改任何超出其限制的LOB的大小,或者使用更大的定义来替代。
3. 重试发送或接收LOB。
4. 如果仍存在问题,则联系DBA或Oracle技术支持以获取进一步的支持和帮助。