ORA-19654: must use backup control file to switch file incarnations


ORA-19654: must use backup control file to switch file incarnations

Cause: This SWITCHTOCOPY operation is attempting to switch incarnations of a datafile, but the currently mounted control file is not a backup control file.

Action: Restore and mount a backup control file.

Ora-19654: 操作时出现这个错误。这是一个Oracle数据库报错,提示必须使用备份控制文件来切换文件incarnations。


Ora-19654 is encountered when a file of an Oracle Database is not in the controlfile and hence requires a change of incarnation.

A file change may happen when someone changes a file name, alters a fileattribute or moves a file. To correctly track such file changes within the Oracle Database, Oracle Database always keeps a recordof files’ incarnations within the controlfile. Without this information Oracle Database will not be able to perform recovery correctly if at the same time the redo logfiles contain references to the current incarnation of the files.


Oracle ORA-19654错误常见于删除文件时,因为当文件被删除时,系统操作继续将索引和行记录写入日志文件,但表内容将保存在备份控制文件中。



2.备份控制文件,以防异常情况发生:使用 alter database backup control file to 来执行控制文件备份。

3.使用另一种方式重新切换文件:重命名旧文件并使用 alter database rename to 将系统中的文件关联到表中。


5.使用 alter database open resetlogs将数据库打开重置日志。

