ORA-28395: could not write the new master key to the wallet


ORA-28395: could not write the new master key to the wallet

Cause: An attempt was made to write the new master key to the wallet. The wallet or the parent directory may not have the proper file permissions to write the master key in the wallet.

Action: Check the password-based wallet, auto login wallet, the parent directory permissions and disk space availability on the file system. Make sure that the Oracle processes have read/write permissions on the password-based and auto login wallets. Retry the command.

ORA-28395是Oracle的wallet错误,当尝试将新的master key写入wallet时发生。




1. 首先使用如下SQL语句检查钱包是否处于打开状态:

select * from v$encryption_wallet;

2. 如果钱包处于关闭状态,用如下语句打开:

alter system set encryption wallet open identified by ;

3. 如果钱包处于打开状态,使用如下语句关闭:

alter system set encryption wallet close identified by ;

4. 重新使用如下语句打开,此时会创建新的密钥:

alter system set encryption wallet open identified by ;

5. 如果还是出现ORA-28395,那么可以使用如下语句修改密钥:

alter system set encryption wallet alter identified by ;

