ORA-16793: logical standby database guard is off
Cause: The logical standby database guard was turned off.
Action: Issue the ALTER DATABASE GUARD ALL command to turn the guard on and verify that Data Guard health check error or warning is cleared.
ORA-16793错误指的是Logical Standby数据库的守护程序处于关闭状态,这意味着守护程序无法保护数据库完整性。
1.使用SQL Plus登录到逻辑备份数据库,并检查守护进程状态
SQL> select * from v$database_guard_status;
3.如果输出结果表明,Logical Standby库的守护进程处于关闭状态,可以使用以下命令启动守护进程:
SQL> alter database guard set all;