ORA-22276: invalid locator for LOB buffering
Cause: There are several causes: (1) the locator was never enabled for buffering (2) it is not an updated locator but is being used for a write/flush operation
Action: For (1) enable the locator for buffering; (2) ensure that only an updated locator is used for a LOB update operation
ORA-22276 表示给定的 LOB 缓存定位器参数是无效的。
alter table emp add (image blob) lob(image) store as storage lob_buffering(enable unlimited);
alter table emp add (image blob) lob(image) store as storage lob_buffering(“XX”);
alter table emp add (image blob) lob(image) store as storage lob_buffering(disable unlimited);
alter table emp add (image blob) lob(image) store as storage lob_buffering((0));