ORA-14704: Create table as select disallowed for SYSTEM patitioned tables
Cause: User attempted to create a SYSTEM partitioned table by doing a create table as select.
Action: Do a create table followed by an insert as select into each partition.
ORA-14704 表明,已有的系统分区表无法使用Create Table As Select(CTAS)语句或其衍生语句来重新创建。
1.确认表是否为系统分区表,可以使用”select * from user_objects where object_type = ‘TABLE’ and partitioned=’YES’;”语句
3.使用ALTER TABLE语句对系统分区表进行修改,添加或删除分区
本文标签:ORA-14704 Create table as select disallowed for SYSTEM patitioned tables
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