ORA-54509: solid not attached to composite solid
Cause: To connect solids in a composite solid geometry, at least one of the faces of a solid must be shared (fully or partially) with only another solid. However, at least one of the faces in this composite solid was not shared by exactly two solids only.
Action: Ensure that at least one face in a composite solid is shared by exactly two solids.
ORA-54509:solid not attached to composite solid错误是在向Oracle数据库发布一个新的三维空间类型数据定义模型时可能发生。这意味着对象定义无效,没有正确地设置其内部几何元素,或者附加了多个实体。
1. 当一个实体被定义成一个由多个实体组成的复合图元时,不能将任何一个实体单独添加到它的空间对象中;
2. 不能将任何一个实体定义成两个以上的复合图元;
3. 不能混合使用不同类型的实体,比如圆和矩形;
4. 不能使用冗余的实体做复合对象的内部图元。
1. 检查三维空间定义模型,确保定义的实体按照正确的规范进行定义;
2. 确保实体在复合图元中合理地独立定义;
3. 确保不能混合使用不同类型的实体,比如圆和矩形;
4. 确保使用实体时避免冗余。
5. 重新发布空间模型。