ORA-09919: Unable to set label of dedicated server
Cause: ORACLE was unable to set the label of the dedicated to server to the required value.
Action: Check the UNIX error number for a possible operating system error. Also, check the privileges on the oracle executable. It should have at least “allowmacaccess” privilege.
ORA-09919: 这个错误指的是无法设置专用服务器的标签,是由于未能获得足够的特权或存在访问权限问题所致。
1.检查当前的会话权限:通常情况下,用户需要拥有alter system和create any session权限来处理这个错误,要确认它们都启用;
2.检查连接的用户:连接的用户也需要拥有足够的权限,例如alter session,alter system等,以便能够访问定制服务器;
4.更新标签:最后,使用alter system命令更新专用服务器的标签。