ORA-30079: cannot alter database timezone when database has TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE columns
Cause: An attempt was made to alter database timezone with TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE column in the database.
Action: Either do not alter database timezone or first drop all the TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE columns.
ORA-30079: cannot alter database timezone when database has TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE columns这个ORA错误意味着,无法在数据库中包含TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE字段时更改数据库时区。
(1)首先,您应检查字段(特别是TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE字段),以了解哪些字段引用数据库时区。
(2)可以尝试使用alter table更改字段的命令来更新字段,但是,如果这些字段正在被应用程序使用,或者如果修改字段将导致表空间大小变大,则可能不可行。
(3)最后,请考虑将字段更改为TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE类型,以便您可以使用alter database更改数据库时区。