ORA-12839: cannot modify an object in parallel after modifying it
Cause: Within the same transaction, an attempt was made to perform parallel modification operations on a table after it had been modified. This is not permitted.
Action: Rewrite the transaction or break it up into two transactions: one containing the parallel modification and the second containing the initial modification operation.
ORA-12839: 不能在修改对象后并行修改该对象
ORA-12839 is thrown when an attempt is made to modify an object in parallel after modification has already been done.
1. 检查在运行修改时是否有SRV_PARALLEL_DEGREE参数被设置成NONZERO值;
2. 如果参数被设置成一个非允许值,请重新设置这个参数;
3. 尝试重新运行请求,如果还没有成功,可以考虑使用SERIAL主机参数来重新运行对象修改。