ORA-49450: Non-zero return code from archiving utility [string] [string]
Cause: The archiving utility (zip/unzip) returned a warning or error.
Action: Verify that the file and directory exist and are readable, and that the file is a valid zip file.
ORA-49450 错误表明归档实用程序(例如RMAN)返回了一个非零状态。
ORA-49450: non-zero return code “string” from archiving utility “string”
Cause: RMAN encountered an error when running a shell command. Typically if archiving is enabled, an archiving utility such as RMAN is used. The non-zero return code that was received was an indication that an error was seen while running a command.
1. 检查shell命令,确保它可以正常执行。
2. 尝试重新运行归档实用程序,执行同样的操作(备份或恢复等)。
3. 如果出现同样的错误,请检查日志文件以查看发生的步骤,以确定问题的根源。
4. 如果没有其他方法可以确定问题,可以开启trace来查找具体的原因。