ORA-27206: requested file not found in media management catalog


ORA-27206: requested file not found in media management catalog

Cause: A backup file used in a recovery manager catalog maintenance command was not found in the media management catalog.

Action: Retry the command with a different file.

ORA-27206 is an Oracle Database error code. It indicates that a requested file could not be found in the media management catalog. The error message typically reads “ORA-27206: requested file not found in media management catalog”.

The error occurs when the specified file cannot be found in the Oracle media management catalog, which is used by Oracle to locate and manage backup and recovery files. Possible causes for the error include an incorrect filename or that the file does not exist.

Common scenarios in which this error occurs include:

• When attempting to recover a file with the RMAN RECOVER command, the correct filename cannot be found in the media management catalog.

• When attempting to load files into the media management catalog, the specified file cannot be found.

• When attempting to backup a file with the RMAN BACKUP command, the media management catalog cannot find the specified file.

To resolve this error, verify that the file name is correct and that the file exists. If the file does exist, it may be necessary to add it to the media management catalog or upgrade to a newer version of the Oracle Database software.

The steps to resolve ORA-27206 can vary depending on the exact cause of the error. The general process would be to first check the specified file name and make sure it is correct and that the file exists. If the file does exist, then it should be added to the media management catalog. If the file does not exist, then the cause of the failure should be investigated and the necessary steps taken to resolve it.
