ORA-24095: invalid transformation, source type does not match that of the queue
Cause: The source type of the transformation specified was different from the type of the queue.
Action: Provide valid transformation whose source type is the same as the queue type.
ORA-24095: invalid transformation错误提示,源类型与队列不匹配。
这是由于将流传输中使用消息队列表(queue tables)和消息(messages)定义为另一种源、目标或作为数据转换环节的参数时发生的错误。检查消息队列表、定义消息及数据转换参数类型是否相匹配,以免引起此错误。
ORA-24095: invalid transformation
Cause: A transformation was attempted using message queues and/or messages defined as either a source or a target, or as parameters to a data transformation step.
Action: Check that the message queues, and messages, defined match the transformations being attempted.