ORA-29702: error occurred in Cluster Group Service operation
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while performing a CGS operation.
Action: Verify that the LMON process is still active. Check the Oracle LMON trace files for errors. Also, check the related CSS trace file for errors.
ORA-29702错误提示是Oracle数据库在集群组服务(Cluster Group Service, CGS)操作期间发生错误。
ORA-29702: 错误发生在Cluster Group Service操作期间(文档 ID 1621855.1)
ORA-29702: error occurred in Cluster Group Service operation
错误: 无法正确完成Cluster Group Service操作。通常是由于给定的Cluster Group Service参数无法解释,或者操作失败,或者由于无法访问要操作的文件系统。
当Oracle实例、数据库服务,ASM等后台程序出现故障,可能会执行Cluster Group Service操作时出现该错误。