ORA-02374: conversion error loading table string.string


ORA-02374: conversion error loading table string.string

Cause: A row could not be loaded into the table because there was a conversion error for one or more columns in a row.

Action: See the message that follows for more information about the row that could not be loaded. To avoid this error, make sure the definition of the table being imported matches the definition of the table being exported.

这是Oracle 数据库中的一个常见错误代码,官方解释为“加载表时发生转换错误”。它通常表示存在一些转换发现,没有转换到正确的格式。


1. 数据源中数据的格式与目标数据库表中的格式不符合。

2. 数据源文件中某个字段的
