ORA-00083: warning: possibly corrupt SGA mapped
Cause: Even though there may be SGA corruptions, the SGA was mapped.
Action: Use the DUMPSGA command to dump the SGA.
ORA-00083 warning: possibly corrupt SGA mapped
Cause: The SGA appears to have been mapped at an address that is contained in an already-freed memory range previously used by an Oracle process. This could have resulted from applying ad-hoc patches to the SGA.
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services with this information.
操作:向Oracle Support Services提供此信息。
1. 如果在关闭实例的过程中的startup postpone参数被设置,可能导致ORA-00083警告。
2. 如果执行alter system set sga_target=0命令之前没有释放当前所有的内存,则可能会引发该警告。
1. 关闭警告并重新启动实例:
alter system set events '00083 trace name context off’ scope=spfile
2. 确认SGA空间是否正确:
3. 检查是否有补丁被应用到SGA空间:
cat /var/opt/oracle/orapatch_[patch_name]
4. 如果有补丁被应用到SGA,需要进行清理:
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch rollback -id [patch_name] 或 opatch prereq check — Main -rollback
5. 重新启动实例:
6. 检查警告是否还存在:
show parameter events