ORA-00123: idle public server terminating
Cause: Too many idle servers were waiting on the common queue.
Action: This error is used internally, no action is required.
This error is caused when an idle instance shuts down due to lack of activity or because it has been idle for too long.
1. 首先,确认实例当前的运行状态,是否真的已经关闭,或者处于空转状态。
2. 如果实例已经处于空转状态,则需要检查实例中可能来源的运行繁忙的事件,如果发现有后台任务,则需要及时的终止,以避免空转时间过长引起此错误。
3. 确认实力是否空闲超时,如果确认空闲超时,则需要修改实例空闲时间,使其能够维持更长的空转时间,避免再次出现此错误。
4. 如果实例已经空转太久,则需要尝试重启实例,以便恢复正常运行。