ORA-26033: column string.string encryption properties differ for source or target table
Cause: The source and destination columns did not have the same
* encryption properties.
Action: For security reasons, check that the source and target table have
* the same encryption properties. *
ORA-26033:列字符串 .string 加密属性在源表或目标表之间存在差异
ORA-26033 tells you that the encryption properties for a column in the source table you’re replicating from do not match the encryption properties for the column in the target table you’re replicating to.
当您在复制时使用create table as select (CTAS)来复制表时,您可能会遇到ORA-26033错误消息。这是因为CTAS会将源表中源表中字段的加密属性复制到目标表中,如果源表和目标表的加密属性不匹配,则会导致此错误。
2.使用alter table语句将源表中的字段的加密属性更改为与目标表的加密属性相匹配。
本文标签:ORA-26033 column string.string encryption properties differ for source or target table
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