ORA-16547: cannot disable or delete the primary database
Cause: An attempt was made to disable broker management of the primary database or delete the primary database from the broker configuration while the configuration was enabled.
Action: If you wish to disable broker management of the primary database when the configuration is enabled, you must instead disable broker management of the entire broker configuration. If you wish to delete the primary database from the broker configuration while the configuration is enabled, you must instead delete the entire broker configuration.
2.使用sysdba角色登录到每个节点,使用SQL*Plus工具连接到每个节点并输入以下命令:alter system disable restricted session;
3.使用以下命令从每个节点都禁用数据库:shutdown immediate
4.登录到实例并删除数据库:drop database;
5.登录到实例,确认数据库已成功删除:select * fromv$database;