ORA-00155: cannot perform work outside of global transaction


ORA-00155: cannot perform work outside of global transaction

Cause: The application tried to perform some work on either an Oracle 7.3 server or an Oracle8 server with local transactions disabled while outside of a global transaction.

Action: Check if the application is connected to an Oracle 7.3 server. The Transaction monitor must not return a NULL XID on an AX_REG call when the resource manager is Oracle 7.3. If the application is connected to an Oracle8 server, either set nolocal=f in the xa_open string or start a global transaction prior to attempting the work.


错误代码: ORA-00155

官方英文说明: Cannot perform work outside of global transaction

中文说明: 不能在全局事务外执行工作

常见案例: 这个错误通常在尝试在没有全局事务的情况下执行DDL操作时出现。例如,您可能试图在没有活动事务的情况下创建或删除表。


  1. 开启全局事务: 使用BEGIN TRANSACTION语句开始事务,并使用COMMIT或ROLLBACK语句结束事务。

  2. 确保操作是在事务中执行: 如果您已经开启了事务,请确保在该事务中执行相关操作。

  3. 使用已经存在的事务: 如果您正在执行其他操作,请使用该操作的事务进行操作。


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