ORA-13764: Value “string” is illegal as a result percentage.
Cause: The user attempted to select data from a SQL Tuning Set using an invalid result percentage. The result percentage must be between 0 and 1.
Action: Correct the result percentage value and retry the operation.
ORA-13764: Value “string” is illegal as a result percentage。
1. 试图向Oracle数据库传输一个百分比字符串类型的参数,但这个参数实际不是一个整数或是小于0或大于100。
1. 检查参数字符串中是否有其它非法字符;
2. 将参数字符串类型变换为整数类型,并确认比率的范围在0-100之间;
3. 如果上述操作均无效,请与你的管理员或DBA联系,查询错误原因。
本文标签:ORA-13764 Value #8220string #8221 is illegal as result percentage.
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