ORA-48146: missing read, write, or exec permission on directory during ADR initialization [string] [string]
Cause: Error encountered when checking if the process has read, write, and exec privileges on directories needed by the ADR subsystem. This error occurs during the initialization of the ADR subsystem.
Action: Check the input arguments to the ADR initialization routine and the state of the operating system. Ensure that the user has the proper permissions on the ADR directories.
ORA-48146: 在初始化ADR期间,在某个目录上缺少读、写、执行权限。
通常,当在使用SQL*Plus初始化ADR(使用alter system set diagnostic_dest= ‘address’)时,会遇到这个问题。
1.确保要初始化的目录名存在,并确保它不是一个链接,比如使用工具查看文件系统情况,如df、ls -l等;
3.重新初始化ADR,使用SQL*Plus(alter system set diagnostic_dest= ‘address’)。