ORA-24811: less data provided for writing than indicated
Cause: While writing into a LOB, less data was provided than indicated.
Action: If writing data in single pieces, then make sure that the buffer length specified is big enough to accommodate tha data being provided. If data is written in pieces, then make sure that all the data has been provided before specifying OCI_LAST_PIECE.
1. 检查传递给数据库的写操作数据,确保传递给数据库的拼写字节数正确。
2. 如果此错误发生在调用一个存储过程时,检查参数。避免传递NULL或者少数据,如果该存储过程在写操作中使用,确保写入的内容总字节数不少于调用存储过程的字节数。
3. 如果这个错误是由于带有变量字符串长度参数的C调用引起的,则要确保C函数调用实际数据字节数不少于变量字符串参数中指定的字节数。