ORA-38424: no attribute set currently assigned to the expression set
Cause: An attempt was made to un-assign an attribute set from an expression set when there is no attribute set assigned to it.
Action: No action is required.
ORA-38424: no attribute set currently assigned to the expression set是Oracle数据库给出的一个错误信息,指出对表达式集的操作尚未分配属性集。
ORA-38424的官方解释为“当前未分配任何属性集到表达式集” 。
1. 确保创建了要分配给表达式集的属性集
2. 针对SQL SELECT子句中的表达式集,并且确保包括一个attribute set形式的参数
3. 使用正确的sql脚本或存储过程来运行语句
4. 如果上述步骤未正常执行,仔细检查及重新运行上述步骤,以验证它们是否正确配置