ORA-08401: invalid compiler name: string
Cause: An invalid compiler name was passed to a UTL_PG conversion routine.
Action: Correct the compiler name parameter in the PL/SQL code that called the conversion routine.
ORA-08401: invalid compiler name: string is an Oracle Database error message that occurs when the PL/SQL compiler is trying to compile a PL/SQL block, procedure, function, or package and Oracle encounters an invalid compiler name.
The official explanation for this error is:
ORA-08401: invalid compiler name: string
Cause: An attempt was made to use a compiler (for running a PL/SQL program) that was not registered with Oracle.
Action: Choose a compiler that is registered with Oracle.
Common cases of this error include:
• Accidentally typing an invalid compiler name in the PL/SQL block when trying to compile it.
• Typing a non-existent compiler name when trying to compile a PL/SQL block.
To resolve this error and compile the PL/SQL block, the user should:
1. Check the syntax of the PL/SQL code to make sure the PL/SQL block and the compiler name are valid.
2. Type in the correct compiler name or choose a compiler that is registered with Oracle.