ORA-12734: Instant Client Light: unsupported client national character set string
Cause: Only UTF8 and AL16UTF16 are allowed to be used as the national character set. Instant Client Light has only minimal character sets.
Action: Do not use Instant Client Light for this character set
ORA-12734: Instant Client Light: unsupported client national character set string 错误指示Oracle client连接数据库时,客户端特定国家标准字符集不受支持。
ORA-12734: Instant Client Light: 不支持客户端国家字符集字符串
ORA-12734: Instant Client Light: 不支持客户端国家字符集字符串
1. 确认客户端和服务器是否支持特定国家字符集。
2. 如果特定国家字符集不受支持,可尝试更改客户端或服务器的字符集;
3. 重新尝试连接数据库;
4. 如果连接仍然失败,可更改为Unicode编码尝试连接;
5. 如果在设置Unicode编码时仍然出现此问题,可联系DBA、系统管理员或Oracle技术支持,排查相应的ORA-12734错误原因。