ORA-07276: no dba group in /etc/group.
Cause: A group has not been set up for dba users.
Action: Contact system administrator. Set up dba group in /etc/group.
Ora-07276: no dba group in /etc/group是当ORACLE无法访问指定的管理用户组时,控制台报告出现的错误。一般来说,ORACLE用户都设定到指定的DBA组内,而这个错误就指出了ORACLE用户没有设定到指定的DBA用户组。
“ORA-07276: no dba group in /etc/group” is an error reported by the console when Oracle cannot access the designated administration user group. Generally, the ORACLE user is set under the designated DBA group, and this error indicates that the Oracle user is not set to the designated DBA user group.