ORA-26651: Unable to start or stop capture process string
Cause: An attempt was made to start or stop a capture process while another capture process was concurrently starting or stopping.
Action: You cannot concurrently start or stop capture processes. Wait before attempting to start or stop additional capture processes.
ORA-26651: Unable to start or stop capture process string 原因:
1. Capture进程已经被另一个用户打开。
2. Capture进程在系统上运行了过长时间,导致崩溃。
1. 要关闭任何其它正在使用Capture进程的用户。
2. 关闭Capture进程的周期性进程,然后重新启动Capture进程。如果Capture进程仍然报错,则可以提交崩溃报告。
3. 确认Capture进程的资源使用是否较低,以及系统的备份/迁移操作是否正常。
4. 如果错误仍然存在,请尝试关闭剩余的Capture进程,并重新启动Capture服务。