ORA-01288: cannot apply this DDL to the Logminer Dictionary
Cause: A command that is not supported by Logminer was present in a logfile. Commands that change the character set of the database are not supported by Logminer. “ALTER DATABASE SET TIME_ZONE” is not supported by Logminer.
Action: Do not execute unsupported commands when using Streams, Logical Standby, or Logminer. Turn off DDL tracking in order for Logminer to skip unsupported commands.
RA-01288表明尝试将数据定义语句(DDL)应用于LogMiner字典失败。 这可能是由于表已重命名或未注册,也可能是Tablespace已被动态地添加或删除的结果。
1.首先,确保您可以重新建立LogMiner字典,并确保它包含您正在查找的表。 您可以按照这个链接步骤来做: http://digitap.net/blog/2014/03/re-creating-logminer-dictionary-in-oracle/