ORA-08444: syntax error in JUSTIFIED clause in mask options
Cause: A syntax error was found in the JUSTIFIED clause in the mask options parameter passed to a UTL_PG conversion routine. Valid specifications are: JUST JUST RIGHT JUSTIFIED JUSTIFIED RIGHT
Action: Correct the mask options parameter.
ORA-08444 语法错误: Justified 子句存在语法错误
当个 “mask_options” 参数指定的 “justified” 子句不是有效的字符串时,就会发生此错误。
最常见的案例是当使用 “mask_options” 参数,但输入的子句不是有效的字符串时,例如:
create mask my_mask identified by xxxx for “1” as justified with “xxxxx”;
上面的子句 “justified with “xxxxx””无效。
1)确认 Mask Options 中 JUSTIFIED 子句的正确格式;
2)根据正确格式,检查 “xxx” 中提供的 JUSTIFIED 子句是否有效;
3)如果发现有疑问,可以咨询 Oracle 的文档资料来帮助查找 JUSTIFIED 子句的正确格式;