ORA-02375: conversion error loading table string.string partition string
Cause: A row could not be loaded into the table because there was a conversion error for one or more columns in a row.
Action: See the message that follows for more information about the row that could not be loaded. To avoid this error, make sure the definition of the table being imported matches the definition of the table being exported.
ORA-02375: conversion error loading table string.string partition string,表明在加载数据时发生了异常,即加载到该表或分区的数据无法完成转换,导致失败。
ORA-02375可指示数据转换失败,而没有正确执行ALTER SESSION或ALTER SYSTEM以将nls_length_semantics参数设置为BYTE,或者没有设置ORA-2378时所使用的最小标准化字节数,或者在迁移数据存储到Oracle数据库中时发生了错误。
ALTER TABLE语句从Oracle表更改BLOB/CLOB,但缺少了该语句:ALTER SESSION SET nls_length_semantics=“BYTE”;
2.重新添加ALTER SESSION SET nls_length_semantics=“BYTE”; 到SQL语句中,用于确保转换表的数据类型。
本文标签:ORA-02375 conversion error loading table string.string partition string
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