ORA-02092: out of transaction table slots for distributed transaction
Cause: The transaction is assigned to the system rollback segment and is trying to get into the PREPARED state, but the required number of non-PREPARED slots are not available, hence the transaction is rolled back.
Action: Add a rollback segment and retry the transaction.
ORA-02092:代表的是一个分布式事务表槽满错误(Out of Transaction Table Slots for Distributed Transaction)。
当使用了一个 2-阶段提交(2PC)时,服务器将为每个实例分配一个会话ID。它将使用事务表槽(transaction table slot)来存储这些会话ID,识别客户端及实例会话ID。 这个错误消息表明没有足够的事务表槽来保存分布式事务。
3.最后,可以增加事务表槽的数量来解决ORA-02092错误,这可以通过修改 _transactions_per_rollback_segment 参数来实现。
本文标签:transaction ORA-02092 out of table slots for distributed
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