ORA-19597: file string block size string does not match set block size of string
Cause: A file was specified for inclusion in a backup set but it has a logical block size different from the rest of the files in the backup set. All files in a backup set must have the same logical block size.
Action: Specify a file that has the same block size as the rest of the files in the backup set. The conversation is still active and more files can be specified.
当使用ALTER DATABASE BACKUP CONTROLFILE命令创建控制文件时,如果控制文件中记录的表空间块大小与当前实例中设置的块大小(可以使用选项DB_BLOCK_SIZE查看)不匹配,则会出现ORA-19597错误。
2、改变实例中的块大小(使用ALTER SYSTEM命令),以便根据控制文件中记录的块大小设置实例中的块大小。