ORA-24055: cannot delete propagation status rows that are in prepared state
Cause: An attempt was made to use the internal administration procedure to delete status rows from the SYS.AQ$_PROPAGATION_STATUS table that were in the prepared state.
Action: Wait for the propagation to complete successfully before retrying the operation.
1. 首先,检查应用程序中存在的DTP事务的大小限制,并确保它们不超过TNS最大参数限制。
2. 由于ORA-24055是由DTP失败引起的,因此应尽快重新提交事务以恢复正常工作。
3. 针对”准备”执行状态的暂存事务,应像删除任何其他任务一样使用DBMS_DTP.PURGE_LOST_DB_ENTRY()函数进行清除。
4. 如果任务可以恢复,使用DBMS_DTP.RECOVER_TASK()函数尝试恢复它们,以便程序可以继续执行。
5. 最后,将应用程序或SQL连接到临时表或游标,以确保DTP任务已完成。