ORA-27062: could not find pending async I/Os
Cause: There should have been some async I/Os in the system but a blocking aiowait indicates that there are no more I/Os. It could be either because of an Oracle bug or the vendor OS bug or due to a NFS server not responding
Action: check Oracle trace file, OS message files and contact Oracle Support
ORA-27062错误,即“未找到挂起的异步I/O”,是Oracle数据库出现的常见错误。 该错误表明,启动数据库时,系统无法定位数据库文件的信息。
1.使用“srvctl status database”,确保数据库或实例已正确注册。
2.使用“select * from v$datafile”,确认数据库文件的路径是否正确。
3.使用“ls -l”,检查是否可以从操作系统访问文件