ORA-06595: REF CURSOR parameters are not supported in forwarded RPC calls
Cause: An attempt was made to make a forwarded RPC call with a REF CURSOR parameter.
Action: Either call the remote function directly (i.e., not by way of forwarding), or move the remote function to a database where it can be called directly.
ORA-06595是数据库错误代码,指的是OCI不支持在转发RPC(远程过程调用)调用中使用REF CURSOR参数。
ORA-06595是指OCI驱动程序不支持以转发RPC(远程过程调用)方式调用具有REF CURSOR参数的程序。
ORA-06595可能出现在具有REF CURSOR参数的过程被以转发RPC的形式调用的案例中。在这类情况下,OCI会生成ORA-06595错误。
要解决ORA-06595错误, 重新编写程序以避免在转发RPC调用中使用REF CURSOR参数,或者将其转换为另一种形式的参数。