ORA-00742: Log read detects lost write in thread number sequence number block number
Cause: Either a write issued by Oracle was lost by the underlying operating system or storage system or an Oracle internal error occurred.
Action: The trace file shows the lost write location. Dump the problematic log file to see whether it is a real lost write. Contact Oracle Support Services.
这个错误表示Oracle识别出来,在thread字符串、 sequence number字符串和 block number字符串的情况下可能遗失write操作。
1. 检查数据库告警日志,寻找对应I/O故障,确定是哪类故障导致ORA-00742出现;
2. 尝试解决I/O故障,并重启数据库;
3. 在数据库重启后,可以执行下面的SQL语句检查日志遗失情况:
SELECT thread#,sequence#,block#,bytes,members FROM v$log_history WHERE thread#=1 ORDER BY sequence#;
4. 如果检查发现遗失的Log,需要执行recovery进行数据库的恢复,请参考下面的文档: