`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company:
// Engineer:
// Create Date: 11:15:20 12/11/2011
// Design Name:
// Module Name: uclock
// Project Name:
// Target Devices:
// Tool versions:
// Description:
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
module uclock(
// Define ports
input clk;
input reset;
output rs232_tx;
input rs232_rx;
output [7:0] led;
input [7:0] switch;
output [3:0] Anodes;
output [7:0] Cathodes;
// Define signals used later
/*wire reset;
assign reset = ~rst;*/
reg [7:0] led;
wire [9:0] address;
wire [17:0] instruction;
wire write_strobe;
wire read_strobe;
wire [7:0] port_id;
wire [7:0] out_port;
reg [7:0] in_port;
reg interrupt;
wire interrupt_ack;
//Instantiate kcpsm3
kcpsm3 kcpsm3(
//Instantialte program
program program(
//1us interrupt
reg [9:0] int_count;
reg interrupt_event;
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
if(reset) begin
int_count <= 0;
interrupt_event <= 0;
else if(int_count == 99) begin
int_count <= 0;
interrupt_event <= 1;
else begin
int_count <= int_count + 1;
interrupt_event <= 0;
//interrupt design
always @(posedge clk or posedge interrupt_ack) begin
if(interrupt_ack) begin
interrupt <= 0;
else if(interrupt_event) begin
interrupt <= 1;
else begin
interrupt <= interrupt;
//Input ports design
reg read_from_uart;
wire rx_buffer_full;
wire rx_buffer_half_full;
wire tx_buffer_full;
wire tx_buffer_half_full;
wire data_present;
wire [7:0] uart_present;
wire [7:0] data_rx;
assign uart_present = {3'b000,data_present,rx_buffer_full,rx_buffer_half_full,tx_buffer_full,tx_buffer_half_full};
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
if(reset) begin
in_port <= 0;
read_from_uart <= 0;
else begin
8'h00: in_port <= switch;
8'h02: in_port <= data_rx;
8'h04: in_port <= uart_present;
default : in_port <= 8'h00;
read_from_uart <= read_strobe && port_id == 8'h02;
//generate 16 times of baudrate of 9600
reg [9:0] baud_count;
reg en_16_x_baud;
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset)begin
if (reset) begin
baud_count <= 0;
en_16_x_baud <= 0;
else begin
if (baud_count == 651) begin
baud_count <= 0;
en_16_x_baud <= 1;
else begin
baud_count <= baud_count + 1;
en_16_x_baud <= 0;
//Output ports design
wire write_to_uart;
wire write_to_leds;
reg [7:0] seg_num1;
reg [7:0] seg_num2;
reg [7:0] seg_num3;
reg [7:0] seg_num4;
wire write_to_seg_num1;
wire write_to_seg_num2;
wire write_to_seg_num3;
wire write_to_seg_num4;
assign write_to_leds = (port_id == 8'h01 && write_strobe);
assign write_to_uart = (port_id == 8'h03 && write_strobe);
assign write_to_seg_num1 = (port_id == 8'h05 && write_strobe);
assign write_to_seg_num2 = (port_id == 8'h06 && write_strobe);
assign write_to_seg_num3 = (port_id == 8'h07 && write_strobe);
assign write_to_seg_num4 = (port_id == 8'h08 && write_strobe);
always @(posedge clk) begin
if(write_to_leds == 1) begin
led <= out_port;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if(write_to_seg_num1) begin
seg_num1 <= out_port;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if(write_to_seg_num2) begin
seg_num2 <= out_port;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if(write_to_seg_num3) begin
seg_num3 <= out_port;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if(write_to_seg_num4) begin
seg_num4 <= out_port;
// Instantiate uart_rx module
uart_rx uart_rx (
// Instantiate uart_tx module
uart_tx uart_tx(
// Instantiate seg_disp module
seg_disp seg_disp (
KCPSM3 Assembler log file for program 'program.psm'.
Generated by KCPSM3 version 1.31
Ken Chapman (Xilinx Ltd) 2005.
Addr Code
000 ;================================================================
000 ; Port address definitions...
000 ;================================================================
000 CONSTANT switch_in, 00 ; Switch read port
000 CONSTANT leds_out, 01 ; LED write port
000 CONSTANT uart_data_rx, 02 ; UART receive read port
000 CONSTANT uart_data_tx, 03 ; UART transmit write port
000 CONSTANT data_present, 04 ; UART stat {3'b000,data_present,rx_buffer_full,
000 ; rx_buffer_full,tx_buffer_full,tx_buffer_half_full}
000 CONSTANT seg_num1, 05 ; 7_segment Led1
000 CONSTANT seg_num2, 06 ; 7_segment Led2
000 CONSTANT seg_num3, 07 ; 7_segment Led3
000 CONSTANT seg_num4, 08 ; 7_segment Led4
000 ;================================================================
000 ; Useful constant declarations...
000 ;================================================================
000 CONSTANT all_clear, 00 ; define zero
000 CONSTANT ascii_NUL, 00 ; ascii code (null character)
000 CONSTANT ascii_SOH, 01 ; ascii code (start of header)
000 CONSTANT ascii_STX, 02 ; ascii code (start of text)
000 CONSTANT ascii_ETX, 03 ; ascii code (end of text)
000 CONSTANT ascii_EOT, 04 ; ascii code (end of xmit)
000 CONSTANT ascii_ENQ, 05 ; ascii code (enquiry)
000 CONSTANT ascii_ACK, 06 ; ascii code (acknowledge)
000 CONSTANT ascii_BEL, 07 ; ascii code (bell)
000 CONSTANT ascii_BS, 08 ; ascii code (backspace)
000 CONSTANT ascii_HT, 09 ; ascii code (horiz tab)
000 CONSTANT ascii_LF, 0A ; ascii code (line feed)
000 CONSTANT ascii_VT, 0B ; ascii code (vert tab)
000 CONSTANT ascii_FF, 0C ; ascii code (form feed)
000 CONSTANT ascii_CR, 0D ; ascii code (carriage return)
000 CONSTANT ascii_SO, 0E ; ascii code (shift out)
000 CONSTANT ascii_SI, 0F ; ascii code (shift in)
000 CONSTANT ascii_DLE, 10 ; ascii code (data link esc)
000 CONSTANT ascii_DC1, 11 ; ascii code (device ctrl 1, xon)
000 CONSTANT ascii_DC2, 12 ; ascii code (device ctrl 2)
000 CONSTANT ascii_DC3, 13 ; ascii code (device ctrl 3, xoff)
000 CONSTANT ascii_DC4, 14 ; ascii code (device ctrl 4)
000 CONSTANT ascii_NAK, 15 ; ascii code (negative acknowledge)
000 CONSTANT ascii_SYN, 16 ; ascii code (sync idle)
000 CONSTANT ascii_ETB, 17 ; ascii code (end xmit block)
000 CONSTANT ascii_CAN, 18 ; ascii code (cancel)
000 CONSTANT ascii_EM, 19 ; ascii code (end of medium)
000 CONSTANT ascii_SUB, 1A ; ascii code (substitute)
000 CONSTANT ascii_ESC, 1B ; ascii code (escape)
000 CONSTANT ascii_FS, 1C ; ascii code (file separator)
000 CONSTANT ascii_GS, 1D ; ascii code (group separator)
000 CONSTANT ascii_RS, 1E ; ascii code (record separator)
000 CONSTANT ascii_US, 1F ; ascii code (unit space)
000 CONSTANT ascii_SPACE, 20 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_EXCLAIM, 21 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_DBLQUOT, 22 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_NUMSIGN, 23 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_DOLLAR, 24 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_PERCENT, 25 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_AMP, 26 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_SINQUOT, 27 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_LPAREN, 28 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_RPAREN, 29 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_ASTERISK, 2A ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_PLUS, 2B ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_COMMA, 2C ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_MINUS, 2D ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_PERIOD, 2E ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_FWDSLASH, 2F ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_0, 30 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_1, 31 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_2, 32 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_3, 33 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_4, 34 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_5, 35 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_6, 36 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_7, 37 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_8, 38 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_9, 39 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_COLON, 3A ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_SEMI, 3B ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_LESS, 3C ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_EQUAL, 3D ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_GREATER, 3E ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_QUESTION, 3F ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_CIRCAT, 40 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_A, 41 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_B, 42 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_C, 43 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_D, 44 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_E, 45 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_F, 46 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_G, 47 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_H, 48 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_I, 49 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_J, 4A ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_K, 4B ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_L, 4C ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_M, 4D ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_N, 4E ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_O, 4F ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_P, 50 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_Q, 51 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_R, 52 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_S, 53 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_T, 54 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_U, 55 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_V, 56 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_W, 57 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_X, 58 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_Y, 59 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_Z, 5A ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_LBKT, 5B ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_BKSLASH, 5C ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_RBKT, 5D ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_CARET, 5E ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_UNDER, 5F ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_TICK, 60 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_a, 61 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_b, 62 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_c, 63 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_d, 64 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_e, 65 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_f, 66 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_g, 67 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_h, 68 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_i, 69 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_j, 6A ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_k, 6B ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_l, 6C ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_m, 6D ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_n, 6E ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_o, 6F ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_p, 70 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_q, 71 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_r, 72 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_s, 73 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_t, 74 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_u, 75 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_v, 76 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_w, 77 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_x, 78 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_y, 79 ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_z, 7A ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_LBRACE, 7B ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_VBAR, 7C ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_RBRACE, 7D ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_TILDE, 7E ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT ascii_DEL, 7F ; ascii code
000 CONSTANT time_cnt_lsb_c, E8
000 CONSTANT time_cnt_msb_c, 03
000 CONSTANT number_turn_c, 0A
000 ;================================================================
000 ; Useful NAMEREG declarations...
000 ;================================================================
000 ;namereg sc , number_disp ; number displayed in 7_seg led
000 NAMEREG sD, time_count_lsb ; lower 8_bit
000 NAMEREG sE, time_count_msb ; upper 8_bit
000 ;
000 ;Scratch Pad Memory
000 ;
000 CONSTANT time_cnt_lsb_spm, 00
000 CONSTANT time_cnt_msb_spm, 01
000 CONSTANT number_disp_spm, 02 ; number displayed in 7_seg led
000 ;================================================================
000 ; Actual assembly program goes here...
000 ;================================================================
000 00000 cold_start: LOAD s0, all_clear[00] ; zero out reg s0
001 01D00 LOAD time_count_lsb[sD], s0
002 01E00 LOAD time_count_msb[sE], s0
003 2E000 STORE s0, time_cnt_lsb_spm[00]
004 2E001 STORE s0, time_cnt_msb_spm[01]
005 18001 ADD s0, 01
006 2E002 STORE s0, number_disp_spm[02]
007 2C005 OUTPUT s0, seg_num1[05]
008 2C006 OUTPUT s0, seg_num2[06]
009 2C007 OUTPUT s0, seg_num3[07]
00A 2C008 OUTPUT s0, seg_num4[08]
00B 3C001 ENABLE INTERRUPT ; enable interrupt
00C 00000 loop: LOAD s0, all_clear[00] ; zero out reg s0 (nop)
00D 1CDE8 test_1000ms: SUB time_count_lsb[sD], time_cnt_lsb_c[E8]
00E 1EE03 SUBCY time_count_msb[sE], time_cnt_msb_c[03]
00F 35812 JUMP C, updata_s[012]
010 18001 ADD s0, 01
011 3400D JUMP test_1000ms[00D]
012 18DE8 updata_s: ADD time_count_lsb[sD], time_cnt_lsb_c[E8]
013 1AE03 ADDCY time_count_msb[sE], time_cnt_msb_c[03]
014 06202 FETCH s2, number_disp_spm[02]
015 19200 ADD s2, s0
016 1420A test_10s: COMPARE s2, number_turn_c[0A]
017 35819 JUMP C, disp_num[019]
018 1C20A SUB s2, number_turn_c[0A]
019 2E202 disp_num: STORE s2, number_disp_spm[02]
01A 2C205 OUTPUT s2, seg_num1[05]
01B 2C206 OUTPUT s2, seg_num2[06]
01C 2C207 OUTPUT s2, seg_num3[07]
01D 2C208 OUTPUT s2, seg_num4[08]
01E 00600 switch_led: LOAD s6, all_clear[00]
01F 04600 INPUT s6, switch_in[00] ; read data from switch port
020 2C601 OUTPUT s6, leds_out[01] ; write data to led port
021 00700 rs232_echo: LOAD s7, all_clear[00] ; zero out reg s1 (nop)
022 04704 INPUT s7, data_present[04] ; LAB TASK #3
023 14710 COMPARE s7, 10 ; Write code to check if a byte has been
024 3540C JUMP NZ, loop[00C] ; received by the uart. If so, write it
025 04702 INPUT s7, uart_data_rx[02] ; back to the uart transmit port. If not
026 2C703 OUTPUT s7, uart_data_tx[03] ; don't do anything and just...
027 3400C JUMP loop[00C] ; loop again
028 18D01 ISR: ADD time_count_lsb[sD], 01
029 1AE00 ADDCY time_count_msb[sE], 00
3FF 34028 JUMP ISR[028]
3FF ;================================================================
3FF ;
3FF ;================================================================