ORA-31655: no data or metadata objects selected for job


ORA-31655: no data or metadata objects selected for job

Cause: After the job parameters and filters were applied, the job specified by the user did not reference any objects.

Action: Verify that the mode of the job specified objects to be moved. For command line clients, verify that the INCLUDE, EXCLUDE and CONTENT parameters were correctly set. For DBMS_DATAPUMP API users, verify that the metadata filters, data filters, and parameters that were supplied on the job were correctly set.




ORA-31655错误常常发生在一个DBMS_DATAPUMP API调用,而在参数设置时未指定要使用的集和表或其他对象,而只有空的参数集。


1. 首先,请检查调用DBMS_DATAPUMP.CREATE_JOB的程序中的参数设置,以确保所需的数据对象或元数据对象被正确指定。

2. 接着,使用DBMS_DATAPUMP.ADD_FILE准备加入空参数集中。

3. 接下来,使用DBMS_DATAPUMP.ADD_FILE添加数据文件或元数据文件来指定数据或元数据对象(例如,表)。

4. 最后,运行DBMS_DATAPUMP.START_JOB,确保添加的文件受到保护。

